Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Free Guide on Safe Back Link Building
One of the most effective ways to get high ranks in the search engines is by building backlinks. But merely building backlinks is not enough. There are certain situations where search engines become suspicious of your backlinks, however, and this could affect you negatively. Getting oodles of links in a short period of time will raise a red flag. So will getting backlinks from suspicious sites.
And so, to help you out in your efforts to get to first page rank in the search engines, here's a useful guide on safe back link building. It was written by the Free Traffic System team, a system that I use, and as you read the guide, you'll see plugs to their website. Whether you choose to click on to their site and explore what they have to offer or not, the guide is still very helpful and will provide you with insights into building backlinks correctly and smartly.
You can view the guide below.
Tip: If you'd like to save the guide into your computer, just click on the "MORE" button and click again on "SAVE DOCUMENT".
Smart and Safe Backlink Building Guide_Rebranded
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Monday, June 8, 2009
Free E-Book on Internet Marketing Basics
And this holds true for knowledge. In this case, what we’re interested in is making-money-online knowledge. So on this post, I’m going to direct you to another free resource in the form of an e-book called Internet Marketing Instructions by Watson Fru Nji.
Over the past years, Watson has helped thousands of people make money online. He’s put his internet marketing experiences in this 62-page book. It’s loaded with the rudiments of how to set up an internet business – from deciding what to promote, setting up your webpage, creating an e-book or e-course, driving traffic to your website, making videos, using proper HTML, how to use Google AdWords effectively and a whole lot more.
What I particularly like about Watson’s book is that he instructs the reader on how to utilize and exploit free – or, at least, inexpensive – tools and resources, thus enabling you to start your business with minimal capital.
Those just starting out in this exciting field of internet marketing will benefit much from reading this book and did I mention that it’s FREE!!
So go ahead and grab it here or go to
Watson’s site
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Create Web Content by Interviewing Experts
For one thing, it’s a quick way to come up with an information product. The interview itself would probably take an hour or so. Of course, you do have to do preparatory work like setting up the actual interview and if you’re not too cognizant of the subject matter, you need to do some research in order to appear knowledgeable and professional to your interviewee and your audience. Still and all, it’s a pretty quick method of coming up with content. If you do a series of interviews, you can come up with a nifty information product.
Another advantage of doing interviews is that it enables you to leverage content from the gurus, leverage their celebrity name, as well as their traffic. Just think about it. Your expert invested a lot of time and effort to be knowledgeable about his niche. You haven’t, but you get the opportunity to profit from his knowledge and all the years he’s put into getting the expertise he has. If you do enough interviews, in time you’ll become somewhat of an expert yourself because of all the information you’ve managed to garner. And people will start seeing you as an expert.
Most likely, the expert you interview will be happy to announce to his followers that he’s been interviewed by you and direct them to a link where they can access the interview. Most likely too, the expert will have a pretty large mailing list. When his followers start to access his interview from your site, you’ll be able to capture them for your opt-in list.
An added advantage is that you get to become an expert by association. Just think. Your name will be associated with the expert. Your name will be there right alongside his on the website. Your photo too, probably. Do your job professionally and you will be regarded as a peer by the interviewee and your status with your audience will shoot up.
These are just a few of the more notable benefits of producing interview-based web content. You’ll reap a whole lot of good in exchange for the time and effort that you invest in this endeavor. Just make sure that you do your research well so that you can come up with original, unique, and thought-provoking questions that will elicit fresh information from your expert. You don’t want to come up with a trite, ho-hum interview that will make your audience yawn with boredom and say, “I’ve heard all this before.” Your aim is to stimulate your interviewee into revealing nuggets of information that he’s been holding on to. If you are able to do that, you’ll gain a reputation as an interviewer par excellence and perfect a simple and quick method for producing good web content.
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Thursday, May 28, 2009
One of the coolest tools I’ve come across is TinyURL.
You know how sometimes the URL to the website you want to direct your clients to becomes so long that it breaks in the emails you send? So instead of simply clicking on it and getting redirected to where you would have them go, they have to cut and paste the URL back together before being able to click. Well, you know some clients have the attention span of a goldfish (i.e. 3 seconds). Make them have to do that little additional work and pssshhhht...they’re out of there.
Or if you’re an affiliate marketer, you may find it desirable to hide your affiliate link. Many article directories do not accept articles with affiliate links. I know Ezine Articles, for one, doesn’t. A lost of readers too are wary about clicking on a link that they’ve learned to recognize as an affiliate link. Right away they think, “Uh oh. Here comes the hard sell.”
Okay, so what to do? You can choose to use a url redirect so that your links don’t look like an affiliate link. A lot of top earning internet and affiliate marketers do this.
So instead of a link with 52 characters that looks like this:
you get a 25-character URL that looks like this:
Cool, huh? Doesn’t look like an affiliate link anymore. And you know what? Doing this helps to increase click throughs and - that thing we’re all targeting – SALES.
And again one of the coolest features of this handy little tool is that it’s FREE!!
There is a backside to using TinyURLs though. As with any good thing that comes along, its subject to abuse. Some unscrupulous people have used the tool to redirect the unwary to completely unexpected and sometimes wholly unwholesome sites. Thus, some websites have responded by blocking TinyURLs and other url aliases from being posted. So be sure to test your links upon submission to any website.
Since your goal is to redirect, not misdirect, you an opt to give your client a preview of the site you're directing him to before he actually goes there. Using the example above, the url for the preview to the redirect site would be: . By clicking to that, a new window with a preview opens up. No nasty surprises for your client.
For those of you who haven’t discovered it, you can try it out here.
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Free Teleconference Call
It's a free teleseminar call hosted by Rich Schefren, the guru to the Internet marketing gurus. He's going to be talking with 12 of the top internet marketers who will be sharing how they went from an average income to becoming semi-famous gurus - people like Yaro Starak, Mike Filsaime, Brad Fallon, Jeff Walker, Frank Kern, Willie Crawford, Joel Comm, Liz Thompson, John Carlton, Tellman Knudsen, Michael Cheney, Keith Baxter, Ryan Deiss, Kevin Hogan and others.
Never before has there been a bigger group of marketing legends all assembled on one call.
It's touted to be "... killer content, stuff you won't find anywhere else. "
It's happening this Thursday, 28 May 2009 at 7:00pm EDT.
Access to the call is free.
Here's where you can sign up:
Register Here - Rich Schefren Live Call
See you there :-)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Free Internet Marketing Program
Jeremy Schoemaker, otherwise
known as "Shoemoney" with a blog
of the same name, just released
a fantastic 12 week introductory
program, and it won't cost you
any money to join...
You can go straight to the sign-up page for the
no-cost, 12-week introduction to Internet
marketing program, written by the one and
only Shoemoney here -
ShoeMoney Xtreme Internet Marketing Guide
Jeremy "Shoemoney" Schoemaker is a very well
known, self made Internet millionaire. His blog,, is hugely popular and driven
largely by the personality of Jeremy.
I did a very popular podcast with Jeremy a few
weeks back where he gave us essentially his life
story, or at least life story as an Internet
He has done some crazy stuff over the years and he
certainly knows a lot about how to make big money
online, so you need to listen this guy.
Jeremy just let me know that he made available
a 12 week training program that covers all the
fundamentals of Internet marketing.
Here is the weekly breakdown of the program -
Week 1: The Beginner's Guide To Internet Marketing
Week 2: Affiliate Marketing 101: Everything You Need To Know To Start Promoting Products
Week 3: Market Research: How To Crush Your Competitors And Discover Hot Niches
Week 4: Pay Per Click: How To Earn Cash With Each Click
Week 5: SEO: How To Rank Higher And Increase Traffic
Week 6: Site Creation: How To Build A Site With Zero Programming Knowledge
Week 7: Content Creation: How To Create Articles That Attract Users And Increase Sales
Week 8: Marketing: How To Use Social Media To Spread Your Brand
Week 9: Make That Cash: 10 Ways To Monetize Your Site And Increase Profitability
Week 10: Testing & Tracking: How To Optimize Your Site & Make Sense Of The Figures
Week 11: Building Your Team: How To Network With Others And Find Long Term Partners
Week 12: Launch Day: How To Kick Start Your Business And Manage Your Projects
Jeremy was planning on releasing a book, but
decided instead to release his lessons through
this course, and best of all, he's giving it away.
I've just signed up for the training, so it really
doesn't matter if you're a newbie or an oldie
to Internet marketing like me. There's always
more to learn, especially from experienced experts
like Jeremy.
If you have some time available over the next 12
weeks for some very practical training from
Jeremy, you can sign up for the program here -
ShoeMoney Xtreme Internet Marketing Guide
Here's to your online success,
Yaro Starak
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Friday, May 22, 2009
Back links: A Cool Tool to Help You Build Lots of Them
Well, good news, fellow article marketers. I’ve found a really cool tool that can help you (it already has helped me) get free traffic and increase your backlinks. It’s called – wait for it – Free Traffic System. I find the name very apropos for two reasons: (1) They’ll give you free traffic and (2) the system is FREE. I love free. No fees to pay. Almost too good to be true, I know.
But there’s more. FTS doesn’t just deliver loads of junk backlinks from irrelevant (to your site) sources. They ensure that the traffic they deliver is quality traffic from blogs related to yours that belong to real people.
You can submit an unlimited amount of articles a day and each article receives 60 one-way links. You get to select 30 blogs where you want your articles to be republished. FTS gives you a list to select from. That doesn’t mean, however, that all your articles will be republished in the 30 blogs at one time. To ensure that your backlink building looks natural, FTS submits each article at the speed of 3 to 4 republications per day. That way you don’t get a spectacular spike in your backlinks all of a sudden. We know how suspicious those search engines can get when they see such a phenomenon.
Oh, one other thing. Well, there’s a lot more actually, but I’ll mention one last thing. If you’re interested to look into this further, I’ll give you a link below so you can check it out for yourselves. Regarding the one other thing, it’s this. We’ve heard how Google devalues duplicate content. Well, in the submission process, Free Traffic System teaches you how to tweak your article in several ways so that every republished article is not a duplicate of the others, thus avoiding that problem.
Anyway, I find this tool really useful. I believe you will to. If you want to look further into it, go to
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Keyword Density: A Formula to Help You Arrive at Your Optimal Density
We all know how important keyword density is in our websites, blogs, and articles for search engine optimization. Now I know that there are all kinds of keyword density tools and analyzers out there, but I recently came across this handy formula for measuring keyword density really quickly. I’ve found it to be very useful, especially when I’m writing articles. Thought I’d share it with you as it may be helpful to you as well.
The formula is:
(Nkr * Nwp / Tkn) * 100
Nkr = the number of times you use the word or phrase in your article.
Nwp = the number of words in the phrase. (So "make money online" has an Nwp of 3).
Tkn = the total number of words in the article or webpage. Thus, your article of 600 words that mentions “make money online” four times would have a keyword density of 2%.
Cool, huh?
Currently, search engines prefer a keyword density of 1 to 3 percent. Using the formula, I see I’ve gone way over that in this blog.
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Friday, May 15, 2009
Paid Surveys: Scam or Not-Scam?
Now it’s true that companies do pay people for taking their surveys. But these companies are not the ones putting out the ads you see. Most of the time, the ads you see are put out by – I don’t want to be uncharitable here but this is really what they are – SCAMMERS. What they’ll do is ask you to pay a fee that ranges from about $35 to $50. In exchange for this fee, you get access to a database of companies that pay people to take their surveys.
Where does the scam come in?
1. Most of the time, by doing a little research, you can come up with these lists for free. No need to hand over your hard earned bucks.
2. The list is outdated or many of the surveys listed do not actually pay.
3. They compile information from the people who pay to access their lists and then sell the information to marketers.
4. Many of the testimonials from satisfied customers are phony.
You will find that most paid survey offers do not live up to their promise. You may be lucky enough to make money online from taking paid surveys, but you can most likely find the surveys to take without having to shell out some money beforehand. Let your fingers do the walking and do online research. I wouldn’t, if I were you, expect anything like $100 an hour though. At best, taking paid surveys is a good way to supplement your earnings, but don’t depend on it to provide you with a steady income stream.
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Don’t Waste Time Chasing Fables
I completely understand and relate. But I’d like to offer a word of caution to any newbies reading this. When you make the decision to get into e-commerce and you start doing your research on the subject, you will very soon find yourself deluged by offers of a host of money-making products and programs. Many of these are even offered to you for free. And of course you’ll grab them. Who doesn’t love free? But it’s going to be easy to get flustered with all the resources that you now have and to decide which one to follow. Everyone’s saying something different.
A common cycle that beginning online entrepreneurs go through is something like this: They buy an e-book that promises to teach them how to make quick money online. They then realize that with the methods propounded in this book, they might make some money quickly but only if they invest in some costly advertising or buy some expensive resources and tools. So they ditch this book and look for something else. They give the replacement a few weeks, but soon get dissuaded from following through because the methods it lays out take too much time and effort. So they swing back into looking for something that promises easy riches. Somehow this product fails to satisfy, and so the search is on again for something better, something different.
This scenario may sound ludicrous but, believe me, many have fallen into this pattern. Only after having spent a lot of time and money do they eventually wise up and get down to business for real. Others quit the whole idea as a pipe dream, believing that this whole internet marketing thing is a scam.
But it’s not a scam. People are making good revenue from online marketing. It is, however, important to realize that the people who are successful in this are those who have taken the time to learn tested and proven skills, techniques, and strategies essential for establishing a profitable online business. They took the time to sit down and separate the hype from the real. It took them effort and diligence, but in time they mastered it.
You can too. But take the time to learn. Don’t go running and chasing after every fabulous promise of easy money that comes your way. Like any business, a successful online business requires discipline and diligence.
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Recession Blues Hitting You? Think Online Business.
There's no denying it. Times are hard. But as wise men like to point out, difficulties are opportunities to better things. Lee Iaccoca paraphrased John W. Gardner when he said: “We are continually faced by great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Hallmark would phrase it in this manner: When a door closes, a window opens.
Okay, enough of the aphorisms. I'm sure you get my drift. (Aside from aphorisms, you will also catch a fair dose of clichés in this post. Let's play a game. Count how many you can find.) But seriously, losing my traditional sources of income has compelled me to look for other, fresh income opportunities. And one of the avenues I have been exploring is online business. I've been doing a lot of research into this, and it's for me a new, wide world that inspires excitement and hope. There seems to be thousands of ways to make money online. Daily, new markets are cropping up. There's so much to learn, but also such an enormous potential for profit.
I know there are many of you out there who are considering doing internet marketing or some form of online business as well. I will be blogging about my experiences in this area, posting resources I'm discovering, things I'm learning, questions I may have, etc. I invite anyone who's venturing into internet marketing or some other form of making an income online to join me and share your experiences too. And please, if you have extensive experience in this field, share your knowledge with some of us who may need it.
One last aphorism before I close. It's been said that opportunities are never lost; they are taken by others. I, for one, am taking this exciting opportunity.
For honest reviews on some of the most reliable internet marketing programs, visit .